
Do you want to make your campaign more attractive? Offer a reward!

20 May 2021

Running a successful crowdfunding campaign is not always an easy task. There is no magic formula for a successful campaign, although the combination of a good approach to the challenge, transmitted in an emotional way to touch the heart of the donor and accompanied by a good communication campaign, usually gives good results.
Offering a “reward” in exchange for the donation is one way to make the crowdfunding campaign more attractive.

How should the reward be?

• Above all, it is very important that the reward is “symbolic”, that its economic value is independent of the donation made, so that it cannot be confused with a sale.
• For the reward to make the campaign more attractive to the potential donor, it must be of interest or provide some utility to the donor.
• If you want the reward, in addition to attracting, to reinforce the message of your cause, choose a reward that is related to your campaign. This is the case of the Sumum entity, only a world, a miscegenation, which on the occasion of Africa Day, organized a 10 km Solidarity Walk through Africa. In order to participate, a donation of € 15 had to be made through migranodearena and the entity in return gave a t-shirt, with which it was proposed to do the walk.

• Use original rewards. Rewards must not only be tangible or physical, they can also be experiences for the donor. For example, the students of the Almansa school, after almost two years working in class on the issue of climate change, decided to take action and created a campaign to raise funds to be able to reforest an area near the school with trees. They wanted to promote donations in their challenge, Students against climate change-Almansa, and for this it occurred to them to offer as a reward to dedicate a geolocated tree with the donor's name, or even the possibility of giving a geolocated tree, with a name and with location so that I could visit it. With this original initiative they managed to raise € 2,120 and personalized the campaign by dedicating trees to their 55 donors.

Be generous to your donors and they will be generous to you. The NGO Be Artsy needed to raise funds to be able to buy materials so that women in remote communities in Nepal could sew masks and protect their people from COVID-19. For this he created the challenge #Mask4Health, Let's fight against COVID19 in Nepal with reusable masks + soap + information. To promote the donations, they offered a wide range of rewards, ranging from a simple thank you in the Project dossier, postcards of the photos taken by the girls during the Project, handmade notebooks, incense made in Nepal and even a Menstrual Cup. Thanks to these rewards, they managed to exceed their goal, which allowed them to get all the necessary material to sew the masks and feed 800 widows and their children for 14 days.

If you want your crowdfunding campaign to be more attractive, think about who your potential donor is, look for a reward that you can offer and with which your potential donor feels identified,
