
Crowdfunding at the service of the education sector

18 May 2021

It is increasingly common for schools, kindergartens and institutes to use crowdfunding as a tool to finance educational projects, scholarship programs or to educate their students in solidarity.

There are many advantages that the use of digital Fundraising can bring to educational centers. Crowdfunding, in addition to being an alternative form of financing a project, is a very effective channel to mobilize the educational community, sensitize it and turn it into an engine of social change.

What can you finance through a crowdfunding campaign?

Discover, through these success stories, how entities from the education sector were able to finance their needs through crowdfunding:

  • Improve the facilities of your center. The Nursery School of Our Lady of Barcelona, ​​after more than 50 years dedicated to the education of the little ones, needed to improve the facilities that had become obsolete. With his #Tempspermourens campaign, he managed to raise € 10,200 and make the new psychomotor room a reality for his students.

  • Finance a specific project. On some occasions, the pressupost of the school is adjusted and does not advise for additional activities. The micromecenatge can be a good alternative for the duration of this educational activity that in some other way it is not possible to carry out. L'IES Nicolás Copèrnic, from Parla, wanted to implement a new methodology that consisted of adapting the music classes of the institute and turning them into band members with real instruments. It is tractave of a clearly enriching project for the students, but for the duration it is necessary to buy 30 vent instruments, for which there is no pressup price. For this reason they are going to launch the campaign Classband IES Nicolás Copèrnic, Parla, with which they will advise to collect € 11,209 thanks to the support of the entire educational community of l'Institut.
  • You help students with resources / scholarship program. Will you help donate an opportunity to the most disadvantaged students? Through a micro-centric campaign, launch an aid program or a fund for grants. The Colegio Maristes San José, on the occasion of the week of solidària, will launch the SED Educational Scholarship campaign to advise educational scholarships for underprivileged children. Through the * Peer * to * Peer, the students are going to involve creating their own reptes, solidarity and mobilization to their surroundings. In total, 41 reps will be created to finance 41 grants. The campaign will be a success, they will advise to collect € 7,137.

- Sports and solidarity campaign. Sport is a key element in school education. In addition to being very suitable for improving the physical, psychological and social conditions of children, it is a great instrument to educate in values.

The Jesuit school of Sarriá-Sant Ignasi, on the occasion of its end-of-year party, organized an Olympiad, with the aim of promoting the educational values ​​of sport to the boys and girls who participated in the activity and facilitating that young people in a situation of high vulnerability or risk of social exclusion of the Sant Jaume Center could attend the summer camps. The collection of the Olympiad was articulated through the Estiu Jove 2021 campaign, with which they managed to raise € 7,730.

Another case of flagrant success was the Cursa IPSI pel Clínic that the IPSI school organized in digital format in the middle of the confinement in April 2020 for the benefit of the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona. The educational center promoted among its students each one to carry out the sporting activity they wanted from home. To participate, you had to make a donation to help get resources for COVID-19 research. Thanks to the massive participation of all the students, € 17,439 was raised.

- Campaign to promote solidarity among students. Promoting solidarity in education is beneficial for all. Educating to make children better people, sensitive to the needs and pain of others should be a priority. Through a crowdfunding campaign, we can teach children to be part of the solution, we can work on a specific cause in a transversal way. After almost two years working on the issue of climate change, the students of the Almansa school have decided to take a step forward and culminate the project with a reforestation campaign. For this they have created the challenge Students against climate change-Almansa, the money they raise will go to plant trees.

Keys to the success of an education sector campaign

If you are an educational center and you want to start a crowdfunding campaign, it is important that you take into account the following considerations:

1.- Transmit the idea / need clearly.
2.- Involve the entire educational community.
3.- Direct the campaign to the donor.
4.- Promote Peer to peer campaigns among your students.
